Moving through space affects what others think of you
Dancers have superb understanding of how to move through space. They have such a physical sense of themselves, within their surroundings.
We all react differently to different spaces around us. Imagine how you feel inside a very small room compared to standing on top of a hill. Not the same, is it? Now consider how these feelings affect your mood and therefore your body language. How we stand and move affects how others perceive us.
How do we view presenters and public speakers who wander aimlessly or repetitively compared to those who look ‘at home’? Whom do we relax with and listen to? When a presenter looks and feels secure they help their audience feel comfortable too, perhaps because the audience is experiencing a kind of sympathetic, kinaesthetic response.
It’s useful for presenters or those taking part in public events to consider space as a dynamic area, full of wonderful possibilities, rather than an empty vacuum. Picture yourself moving through mist or dry ice. Become conscious of the air around you and how it moves as you move. Imagine how the whole space is being transformed by how you relate to it. When you feel comfortable your audience senses it immediately. Relating with ease to the space enhances your presence and can make a big difference to how your audience relates to you.