I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for presenters and public speakers to deliver a narrative, rather than drown their listeners in endless facts and figures. Apart from it being far easier for the majority of us to follow than a list, we remember so much more when the context is explained and the […]
What are you looking at? How to Speak Well at a Book Festival
Spring is usually the time I am making daily trips to Glasgow’s wonderful Aye Write! book festival which bestrides a couple of weeks at this time of year in the Mitchell Library. This year, of course, I will be looking online for this festival in June, rather than taking myself off to the Mitchell. Be […]
Sprezzatura and Learning a Speech
I’m often asked, when working with people on their speeches, if they should learn them. There is no straight answer to this. For some, this works beautifully; others don’t sound natural when they’ve learned a speech (think of Ian Duncan Smith as Tory Leader). Many find having an aide memoir of some kind very helpful. […]
Why I want to shoot down public speaker’s bullet points Life before? Uses? Bullet points or sentences? Was there life before bullet points? How long have bullet points been around? Feel like forever? Actually I’d say they came into regular and common usage in the last 20 years or so. Bullets were invented as a […]