Dilly shows you a simple, very effective way to deepen your breathing, to give you lots of fuel for your voice and to keep you calm. Summary of tips Breathe well to project your voice and keep calm Use ‘The Flower and the Candle’ exercise Transcript Breathing well is really important, not just to support […]
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Visual Aids / Slides / PowerPoint: Part 1 – A public speaking professional’s view
‘Visual Aids’ You hear this expression a lot. What does the word ‘visual’ mean? And the word ‘aid’? Put the two together and we imply something visual, which helps our understanding. We see something, analyse what we (think we) see and interpret what (we think) that means. You could include words, as sighted people use […]
[VIDEO] Getting physically balanced – to free your voice
Dilly shows you how to look and feel confident and ensure that your voice is free and expressive. Summary of tips: Don’t strain any other part of your body Epecially those parts around where your voice is produced Think about how you can balance your body and voice Imagine you have a string running through […]
Why I want to shoot down public speaker’s bullet points Life before? Uses? Bullet points or sentences? Was there life before bullet points? How long have bullet points been around? Feel like forever? Actually I’d say they came into regular and common usage in the last 20 years or so. Bullets were invented as a […]
How Public Speakers Move Through Space
Moving through space affects what others think of you Dancers have superb understanding of how to move through space. They have such a physical sense of themselves, within their surroundings. We all react differently to different spaces around us. Imagine how you feel inside a very small room compared to standing on top of a […]
Ten Powerful Warm-up Tips for a Successful Speech or Presentation
The tips below include techniques designed to relax your body and get your voice warmed up and ready to deliver a great speech or presentation. 1. Prepare your material well in advance Whenever possible, and rehearse it out loud. Only then will you start to hear what it sounds like and whether or not it […]